Monday, 25 February 2008

Week 4

In week 4 experimentation with the interface continued. After dropping the back mirror, changing the perspective and adding the central curve, the following images were created so show possible color schemes -

It was decided that the orange curve with the grey background would allow the best contrast on the models, further experimentation with curve being wider and at different angles lead to this image -

Here, the interface has been split into 3 at the top to make it more graphically sound, through careful manipulation of the curve, the corners still meet at the bottom. The mirror frames have been changed to white.

Development of the logo also took place in Week 4. Replacement of the "D" in design lead to the following concept -

The head in the mirror image has replaced the D, this helps relate the logo to the product.

From there, the frame was flipped round to look more like a natural "D" shape, but the logo still appeared too wirey, and at a small scale, the head appeared as an indistinguishable blob.

Discussion with Cameron lead to the dropped of the head and the thickening of the font and image. The word "style" is now thicker than "design", and a gradient has been added across the logo to add an illusion of depth which is supported by the perspective of the mirror "D" shape.

In week 5 I hope to finalize all changes left to do on the logo and the interface, and work on the completion of the geometry alterations on the models. I should be starting to create storyboards for scene transitions too, and work towards a prototype that could be given to the college for testing.

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