Thursday 24 April 2008

Week 12 & 13

With the design report complete, work on the final implementation of the project has re-commenced.

The prototype has now been developed to a stage where the rotation animated button has been fully resolved and implemented. When the user is attempting to rotate the shape, the miniature head now gives a clear representation of the intended rotation.

Implementation of the hot-spots has began on the diamond shape. When the user rolls over a hot-spot, the appropriate annotation and tag-box appears, it subsequently disappears at any point when the pointer leaves the hot-spot.

Presentation of this initial prototype to one of the main lecturers Lesley Ingram has resulted in positive feedback. Lesley was particularly impressed with the level of content detail that is aiming to be implemented. When discussing how the project could be implemented into the curriculum, Lesley suggested having it available at a computer in one of the practical labs, or using it as supporting material in lecturers through the use of a projector. Also it was suggested that development of supporting worksheets or similar paper based material could allow full use of the information made available in the application.

When conversion of paper based content notes into the interface is complete, Lesley has offered to proof read the theory in order to ensure that all information is accurate.

Week 14 will see further development towards a working prototype, the aim still is to complete the diamond face shape before beginning work on any other shapes, this will ensure that all technical hiccups are discovered at an early stage.

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